205:6 Evaluation Criteria. The Board shall apply the following criteria in establishing the
substance of any listed educational experience:
(a) Programs given prior approval by the Board on Continuing Legal Education shall
automatically qualify towards establishing an applicant's substantial educational
involvement, so long as they are in the area of certification applied for or are approved for accreditation in ethics/professional responsibility and
[(b) Programs not passed on by the Board shall qualify if presented:
(1) For the purpose of advancing the certified area of practice through
improving practice and procedures or through emphasis on the ethical
obligations of counsel;
(2) By qualified personnel;
(3) By live instructors or with recorded materials supplemented by live
commentators; and
(4) With thorough and well-organized written materials.]
(b) Programs that advance the education and expertise of the attorney in the area of
specialty certification sought will qualify as meeting the educational
requirements of this regulation.
(c) The Board reserves the right to require an applicant to submit additional
information on any program, including but not limited to, copies of the written
materials and a list of the instructors, to determine its applicability to the area of
specialty certification sought.
(d) The Board will review and may approve, on a case by case basis, educational
activities that have not been accredited under the mandatory continuing legal
education program that relate to the applicant’s practice and specialty.