Wednesday, June 05, 2024

39:4-127.1 Improper Crossing at Railroad Grade


39:4-127.1 Improper Crossing at Railroad Grade

39:4-127.1. Fine   $50-$200 or jail to exceed 15 days, or both

39:4-127.1       Improper crossing of railroad grade crossing  2  points

 improper crossing at railroad grade, Railroad crossings; stopping (a) Whenever any person driving a vehicle approaches a railroad grade crossing under any of the circumstances stated in this section, the driver of such vehicle shall stop within fifty feet but not less than fifteen feet from the nearest rail of such railroad, and shall not proceed until he can do so safely. The foregoing requirements shall apply when:

1. A clearly visible electric or mechanical signal device gives warning of the immediate approach of a railroad train;

2. A crossing gate is lowered or when a human flagman gives or continues to give a signal of the approach or passage of a railroad train;

3. A railroad train approaching within approximately one thousand five hundred feet of the highway crossing emits a signal audible from such distance and such railroad train, by reason of its speed or nearness to such crossing, is an immediate hazard;

4. An approaching railroad train is plainly visible and is in hazardous proximity to such crossing.

(b) No person shall drive any vehicle through, around, or under any crossing gate or barrier at a railroad crossing while such gate or barrier is closed or is being opened or closed.

L.1951, c. 23, p. 93, s. 68.

For information on points, fines, jail and suspension for this violation, go to

Protect your Rights.

Before you pled guilty and face potentially thousands of dollars in fees and surcharges, schedule an in office appointment with our attorneys experienced in handling these matters. The Police have an experienced attorney as Prosecutor to represent them. Do not jeopardize your driver's license and ability to drive to work.